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 Mindful by Nature DAY RETREATS 
MINDFUL BY NATURE (v6) NEW DATES _240325sm.jpg

​This is a Spring retreat programme for the benefit of the Community Health and Wellbeing, created and facilitated by Daniela Coronelli, of "EcoLifeWellness", in collaboration with the "Woods for Wellness" partnership programme - a project which aims to create subsidised woodland wellbeing services, intertwining the natural healing environment of the woods with professional therapeutic guidance.


The Day Retreats will offer a blend of mindfulness and kindness meditations, nature immersion, gentle mindful touch, movement and connection with the elements. You'll experience silent reflection, engage in shared enquiry and enjoy relevant poetry - all in the warm company of a friendly, like-minded group, with the soothing crackle of a fire in the wood-burning stove.


The remaining Spring Retreat Dates:

13 April / 11 May 2025

These day retreats can be booked individually. However, please note that the day retreats may not be suitable if you are currently experiencing acute depression or other severe mental health challenges, as it may be difficult to fully benefit from the experience. If you're uncertain, please feel free to email the facilitator before booking.


Your Facilitator, Daniela Coronelli, is an experienced and certified facilitator in Mindfulness, Shiatsu & Sei-ki Touch therapies, and Somatic Movement, and is dedicated to helping interested individuals to gradually free themselves from patterns of limiting thoughts and behaviours. Her work invites people to enter a feeling of "joie de vivre" and exploration - meaning living and sharing to the full. A key aspect of her approach takes place in natural settings, where the healing power of the environment creates the perfect space for releasing inner tension and reconnecting to the essential ground of one's being. See here for more information on Daniela's background and qualifications.

Contact Daniela: / 07941-841555







These retreats are open to individuals (18+ years), who are highly, or simply, sensitive people. Some prior experience is required - advanced or introductory level - in Mindfulness for Stress Reduction and Wellness, Kindness Training, or similar practices. It offers a unique opportunity to revitalise, deepen and embody these life-enhancing skills, supporting personal wellbeing and resilience in the face of  life's unpredictable challenges.


Accessability: The Glade is fully accessible, with a compost disabled toilet, access around the venue and disability vehicle drop-off. Carers are welcome to come along with their clients.


Maximum number of participants: 12 / Minimum number of participants 6


Timings: 10.15am - 4.30pm


Pricing: These sessions are partly funded through the "Woods for Wellness" programme.

   One Adult Ticket - £40 (7 x places)


   Pay It Forward - £80 (fully fund a ticket for another person to join on a bursary)


   Low Income Donation - £15 - £30 (5 places available for individuals on no/low incomes)


LINK TO EVENTBRITE PAGE, detailing these Day Retreats + for Booking & Payment:


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