My background is in complementary health-care and in facilitating mindfulness training for stress & health management, including nature-based mindfulness.
Through shiatsu, sei-ki touch, somatic body-based practices and meditation pathways I guide people, especially sensitives, to ride the waves during life transitions, to land into sustainable wellness.
I enjoy being of service to people who view themselves as "sensitive", to guide them through the emotional storms, so they can feel grounded and access their inner wisdom and guidance again. When the stress of having to go through life changes/ crises gets stored in the tissues as tension and fatigue, I offer guidance through skilful touch, psycho-somatic & contemplative practices, so you can release any holding, to restore your vitality and “Joie de vivre”.
Being a sensitive person myself, I have a heart-felt understanding of what it is like to live with sensitivity in an insensitive world, where the need for spending time alone, in quietness or in nature, can easily be labelled as “shutting oneself off”, “unproductive”, or even worse, as “antisocial”.
Beyond the diverse experience and the multi-disciplinary training I bring to my work, I am grateful to have been of service to many people as clients and students over the years. It is their trust, commitment and unique journey of coming back to wholeness and balance that has continued to inspire what I do.

"I have an ongoing interest and passion in what informs flow, well-being and balance
in our lives, and I bring into my therapy work and training courses a longstanding experience of embodied mindfulness and living with
an open-heart practice"
Daniela Coronelli
Born in Umbria, Italy I have been living and working in England since 1979. Currently I run an established Shiatsu & Sei-ki touch Health practice in Totnes, Devon, UK, alongside teaching Mindfulness for Stress and Health Management to interested groups and individuals on-line. I have also been facilitating "Mindful By Nature" Walks and Retreats and Sei-ki Touch classes for therapists and for those with an interest in learning Sei-ki as a method of self-care.
I have just re-started (post-covid) an annual programme of courses - in person and online - to support people who are living with difficult emotions & mental states, called "Mindful Living & Sustainable Wellness". Some of the courses I run take place outdoors, to integrate Mindfulness Skills with Nature Therapy. A sector of people I have been working with, who are living with sensitivity, find it particularly beneficial being guided in nature to self-regulate their emotions, while soothing their vulnerable nervous system.
My work experience over three decades includes working as a Shiatsu and Sei-ki therapist, with a wide and varied client base, in Bristol and in Totnes, as well as leading Shiatsu, Sei-ki & Amerta Movement courses for shiatsu schools and for interested groups of touch-based therapists in Bristol, in Devon and in Italy as a visiting teacher. With the above skills, and Mindfulness meditation, I have also facilitated several preventative health-care courses for the general public in adult education, for charities and private health-care providers in Bristol and Devon.
Since 2015 I have been facilitating the internationally recognised 8-week Mindfulness for Stress & Health Management programme and day retreats for interested, general public groups. These courses have run 3 times a year from the Totnes Natural Health Centre and in Dartington Space Studios, Devon, UK. The Torbay N.H.S has also employed me to run short Mindfulness for Wellness courses for nurses and clerical employees in various Health Clinics based in Torquay, Devon.
My training and professional development has been in Shiatsu & Sei-ki touch therapies, in Amerta
psycho-somatic movement and in Mindfulness & Buddhist meditation. I have engaged in formal training in Mindfulness as an approach to Stress and Health Management with Exeter University and Breathworks in Manchester, alongside informal studies and practice of Mindfulness and Buddhist meditation with several spiritual mentors from various traditions.
I am also trained to lead Forest and Nature Therapy Walks, the 4 levels of Reiki Healing, and in neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis, which I integrate in my practice to accommodate the diversity of people’s needs.
In 2014 I had the chapter “Echo of Life” published in the book Embodied Lives by Triarchy Press. I also have had several articles on Shiatsu and Sei-ki published in the Shiatsu Society News, and in 2021 I wrote a research paper on “Forest Bathing & Sensitivity” for 'Nature & Therapy UK'.
In my free time, I enjoy participating and performing as a movement artist in multi-cultural and environmental events as in Amerta Movement Art Meetings, World Environment and Earth Days.
I also enjoy spending time in nature and reading and composing simple poetry. In 2012, I had my book 'Movement & Poetry' published by Saffron Lotus Publishing.